Thursday, July 30, 2009

9 Pounds and counting

OK, so being lazy is not a good thing but still losing weight is. I think your body must just learn to use its own energy when you are not.

So, for eating. I am a huge fresh fruit fan, especially summer stuff, Peaches, Nectarines, Strawberries, so I stuff myself, well, not really, but instead of ice cream, and yes, a little later I will let you know what is allowed, I have a bowl of sliced fruit with fat free Cool Whip, what a treat.

My meals have been the small TV dinners, the Swanson Mac and Cheese, and the Mac and Cheese with Chicken Nuggets is a favorite. The thing about these is when the food is gone you are done, no seconds. They look small but they are filling and for a TV Dinner, taste really good. So if you need something to eat, help control you portions and inexpensive, $1 to $1.50 each, this is the way to go.

Oh, and I almost forgot, Ice Cream. While at the Dr today I was ready the Diabetes Today magazine and they said, Ice Cream is bad, but the Slow Churned or Double Churned is good. You want to eat it out of a bowl and watch portion control, but the way it is made makes it much healthier and better for you. So splurge, not a lot, but reward yourself once in a while and you to will see some results.