Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Still Battling

I was reading the latest issue of People Magazine and I must say that Valerie looks good doesn't she. Well, if I had a personal trainer, lots of money, no job to worry about, I would still be me, still doing what I do. None of that matters. She may have an edge on us, but she still has to do the same things we do, watch what she eats, exercise, work hard. We just like to think the stars have it easy.

I had a bad day today. I had lunch at work, but due to a malfunctioning refrigerator it was ruined so I did the easy thing and went to McDonald's. I know I shouldn't have, I should have gone to Safeway and made healthier choices, but bad habits are just that, and they have to be changed. Do I beat myself up, do I look in the mirror and yell at myself? No, I just move ahead and realize that I need to be stronger. I need to check my food before I go home from work to make sure what I have is going to be OK for the next day. I need to take extra food just in case something happens, maybe a friend needs a pick me up, special meal.

We need to learn to get those feel good moments from things other than the forbidden food, feel good with an apple, see, it is sweet, and tasty and healthy. What a great reward high you can get from food, eating the right food. Smile and say hi to a stranger, it will bring joy to your heart, when you go to lunch, take a walk, even if it is for 5 or ten minutes. Just walk and breath, relax and be yourself enjoying yourself. Remember, this battle is not just about food, but about me, me liking myself, me being proud of myself, and you, being proud of you too.

So lets make it a team effort, because with one you are alone, but with 2, you are forever a team, and teams make it easier to laugh, love and move forward.

Friday, April 3, 2009


I am done with the battle of the bulge. I am not saying I have lost the battle, just that I am done battling.

I have found that going to the gym 2-4 days a week and just not eating out at places like McDonald's has done the trick. So, exercise, what do you need to do to lose weight. Well, the one thing I have found is Cardio. LOTS AND LOTS OF CARDIO. Ride a bike for 30 minutes 3-4 days a week or take a walk, at least 1 mile 3 times a week, and drink water. WATER IS YOUR FRIEND, but the main thing I learned is eat it, if you crave something, eat it, just remember moderation. Want some ice cream, have some, a small bowl, not a giant sundae, and only once in a while not every day. If you get hungry after 8 p.m., I still eat, but just a little, don't have a full meal.

I have found that if I don't look in the mirror I don't get depressed over what I look like anymore. I have lost 40 pounds, but when I look in the mirror I still see the 210 pound girl staring at me. If that is not motivation for blowing your diet then there is nothing out there that is. Also, remember, someone is always going to be thinner than you, have less cellulite than you, better boobs, legs, muscles, whatever, you have to learn to love yourself for who you are. I do, I just don't look in the mirror unless I am dressed, then I feel totally sexy and my self esteem jumps a level.

I am not a miracle, I have worked 3-4 years to lose this weight and I am hoping that by doing it slowly, and I mean very slowly, it will be easier to keep off. I am better at portion control and I know what I can't eat now. I am here for anyone who wants to chat, who has suggestions, or just needs a little support. You can do it, it is your decision, don't let anyone tell you what to do, if you want to lose weight, do it on your terms, no one elses!